Friday, March 02, 2007

Update to VMotion demo - picked up by InfoWorld

The VMotion demo I did got picked up as a newsblurb on InfoWorld. I came into work today and was reading through an email that Dell sends out highlighting news articles for the day. Then I scrolled down and read this :

If you've never had the opportunity to see VMware's VMotion in action, you might want to check out a video clip published by Dell on its VMware Alliance Center site. Scott Hanson from the Dell Tech Center creates a three and half minute video showcasing VMware VMotion migrating a Microsoft SQL Server virtual machine from one blade to another and the SQL script never loses database connectivity. - Link to InfoWorld Article

Ahhh another 3 minutes of fame. Did I mention that I did a national 30 second television commercial in when I was in college ?
Actually you only see me for about 3 seconds. It was for Payless Cashways, a hardware store that existed before the likes of HomeDepot and Lowes. I've got a tape if anyone wants to come over and watch and drink a beer with me :-)